
Add Github Issue Number to Git Commit Message

Add Github Issue Number to Git Commit Message

I have been working on a project with on Github and we are using Waffle.io to organize our issues on an agile board. One bad thing about Github is that it not always apparent what issue a commit resolved. To add context to commits I have begun appending the issue number to commit message. When viewing the commit in web interface of Github, it will automatically link to the issue. To accomplish this, I use commit that take the form of "This is my first commit [issue #123]". Obviously, this process can be automated.

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Ansible [DEPRECATION WARNING]: Using bare variables is deprecated. Update your playbooks so that the environment value uses the full variable syntax

Ansible [DEPRECATION WARNING]: Using bare variables is deprecated. Update your playbooks so that the environment value uses the full variable syntax

If you recently upgraded Ansible and you are getting an error like:

[DEPRECATION WARNING]: Using bare variables is deprecated. Update your
playbooks so that the environment value uses the full variable syntax
This feature will be removed in a future release.
Deprecation warnings can be disabled by setting deprecation_warnings=False in

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Nested Routes and Namespaced Controllers in Rails

Nested Routes and Namespaced Controllers in Rails

I see many project get nested routes wrong. Developers do not use Ruby modules to reflect the relationship between the parent and children nesting of controllers. Here is an example of the wrong way (IMHO). Let’s say we have a customer and the customer has_many orders and has_one profile. Some developers will represent it like this.

/customers path in the file app/controllers/customers_controller.rb

class CustomersController < ApplicationController
  def index

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