Snowflakes – 2014-06-02

Snowflakes – 2014-06-02


How You Nest Modules Matters in Ruby

Nesting Modules in Ruby can often be confusing, I like the puts Module.nesting technique for viewing the current nesting.

Generate JSON directly from Rails with Postgres

Postgres has a ton of features that are often under utilized by Rails dev.

Partition Gem

I discovered this for a project I’m working on where I need to use Postgres Table Partitions. I hope to write up this experience later.

Sextant Gem

I’m always amazed when I come onto a Rails project and they aren’t using this gem! It’s so simple, add it to your development gemset and then you can visit http://localhost:3000/rails/routes and see all of your routes in the browser. For me this is much easier than typing rake routes.